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  • Ankharet Verch Meredudd

Journey of Cross Quarters| The Wheel Part 1

I am extraordinarily passionate about teaching the “wheel” cycles. I also have found deep and transformative growth for myself, when I follow the wheel in my personal intentions and journaling. I chose to bring the forward in Daily Devotionals in Samhain of 2022, to honor the messages the Universe was sending; as well as honoring my need to reset after a long and difficult previous year and deep illness. 

Samhain, for me, has always resonated with connection to my ancestors, the connection I have to the power of being a woman. I am not speaking of a socio-political ideal of womanhood or feminism. I speak of the residing knowledge that my human body has/had the capacity to endure so much and still grow a whole new human suit for another entity to reside within upon birth into this realm. The resilience of womanhood is a constant source of wonder, both in myself as well as in others. Samhain brings the gifts of restoration and renewal through the reflective depths of honoring my ancestors, and the corresponding wisdom they bring. 

I chose to follow the Wheel with intention, sharing that journey in Daily Devotions. Samhain to Imbolc; I focused on my inward journey, the “shadow” of reflection, and honoring the Universe as it gifted me with the next piece of the puzzle that world catapulted me forward. 

From Imbolc to Beltane the inspiration and insight of what was introduced in the Samhain season was clearly delivered. The unfolding of the year through transformational support of a new community gave me the blessings of honoring my own soul wisdom. Birthing the learning and accepting the pains that come with it were deeply humbling and profound.

At Beltane, though Daily Devotionals pretty much did not happen, life did not stop but sped up with the increased growth and momentum of summer, activities and vigor. The implementation of new information, daily, going from unconscious to conscious and practice through the fires of transformation has created ripples of cascading outcomes. Running from meetings to social engagements, meeting new people, and having tea and study groups all honored the fires of renewal and sustenance of the soul. I was beginning to live the purpose I came into this life to do. 

At Lammas, I found stride and purpose, the harvest of much contemplation and awakenings, that led me to the largest decision in my life in over 17 years, comparable to a decision I made in 1998, before moving to Montana. Lammas in the Wheel also represents the coming into adulthood and the steadiness of your values and honoring self within a community. This big decision feels very much like the next step to support the long-term purpose I know that I am walking now. 

The swing from Lammas to Samhain and onward to the Winter Solstice of 2023 brought the Tides through their cross-quarter swing and with it my own sense of completion in the journey to discover and learn, honoring the Universe and my own purpose. In the reflection of this last year’s wheel, the anchored feeling that the next wheel focus would need to be on teaching the wheel and how to connect it, use it and honor it in YOUR lives became clear. As I walk the wheel through the next cycle, I will be teaching as I go. 

Remember, a teacher does not teach you of their own “knowingness” only guides you to your own door. You must touch the door and open it yourself. 


Red MoonEagle

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