This is more of a rant/blog. But I think it is important!
There is something about how often people bring me "things" they have been sucked/conned/ manipulated into purchasing (shakes head) and they want me to validate it does some "magical" thing.
I am going to tell you a story about Jannie, a character who is a mix of at least 3 different actual people who have come to me, with a variety of items, foods, supplements, etc.
A person (client, friend) came to me with a product, we will call her Jannie. Jannie met a person, we will call them James, at a restaurant. Jannie got to chatting with James, and he said she should come to his workshop the next evening to show her his fancy-schmancy new product.
Jannie went to the workshop, she had had such a wonderful chat with James and his wife, and she felt he was trustworthy, smart and on to "something". The workshop was informative, inspiring, lots of energy, and everyone there had testimonials on the efficacy of this new product. So she purchased 2 of them. For a whopping $1,250.00!
She brought them to me and asked me what I could "feel" from them. Which was nothing. There was some vibrational stuff from the stones inside (amethyst and moldavite). I told her so, she looked so disappointed. So I asked her what they were "supposed to do".
Apparently, these wire-wrapped stones (fancy and very high-end artistic work) were supposed to 1) protect your torchon field 2) raise your frequency to the 6th dimension 3) make you unseen to the "evil-doers" 4) promote spiritual harmony 5) open portals to angels 6) embrace cosmic energy 7) bring inner peace
And the tipping point was the "protection and cures of cancer" by raising her vibrations above that potential.
facepalm. Groan. facepalm. sigh.
Please, please, please. Stop purchasing items that people are telling you these things! She might as well have taken that money and flushed it down the toilet, or lit with a match.
Are you looking for all those things? ok then, I have a better suggestion.
1) find yourself a good somatic healer, and therapist (yes you can find both together)
2) do your mental/emotional/ healing yourself, (vagus nerve therapy, somatic therapy, journaling, and more!)
3) find a spiritual support group for like-minded, and heal through community
4) volunteer in your community, find something you are passionate about with others
5) learn about rocks, seeds, the earth, and the planet and connect to Mother Earth!
If you are afraid, that is legit, but do not fall victim to the next new "higher frequency" blah-blah-blah.
I say this from someone who PRACTICES as a BUSINESS psychic work, and energy healing for decades. I use flower essences, smudge, and those tools, grounding mats, henna, symbology, reiki, herbs, and use tuning forks, stones, cranio, and I work with a licensed massage therapist to do some really amazing stuff!
So, I may be a little weird, and use weird stuff- and granted even the list of stuff I turn to is way out there for some. I get it. To each their own.
But I promise I am not going to charge you $500 for a necklace wrapped in metal, plastic, and coated in resin and tell you it will raise your vibration to keep you from cancer! WTF!
Nor will I validate the magical machines, the 24th-dimensional portal necklaces, and bracelets. Mats of amethyst, quartz, or lava rock. And resin-cast pyramids to keep the aliens away.
I've sat under red lights, plastic pyramids of color, gemstone machines, quantum vibrational resonance machines, chairs, and more. And most of it is a mental game of manipulation. I am just like you, I WANT to believe that all these things can do what they are advertised, I want to have the magical thing that will alleviate suffering in all people, the world, my community, and my loved ones.
Wanting to believe, is not the same thing as what is available to us in this world. Anything that preys on a person's vulnerability in fear and keeps them in fear, without supporting the hard work of self-healing through the experience of the body, mind, spirit, and emotional wheel and connects them to a healthy community is not real. Anything that is an easy fix, is probably not real. Anything that preys on your fear and keeps you in fear is not healing for you.
So, yeah, I may sound hypocritical, but I guess what I am saying is this, use critical thinking, question everything, and don't purchase anything from a workshop. Walk away from any workshop that pushes or encourages you with immediacy limited offers or scarcity fear-mongering to purchase anything! And don't be fooled by the ones that also use your "spiritual intelligence" to talk you into stuff either.
Walk away and think about it first, give yourself and your body time to process what was delivered before you purchase anything. The point of these sales techniques is to trigger your lizard brain to the safety vs scarcity button in your body. So that your impulsivity is triggered for safety seeking. Stop falling for this gimmick. Honor yourself, your body, and your integrity.
If you walk away, take 3 days minimum to feel your body, feel your emotions, walk through some somatic release exercises, get outside with mother nature, and talk to a friend (on purpose the one who does not believe in anything you do is the best) getting a "devils advocate" perspective, get a good meal, sleep, and process. If after all that you still find the need to purchase the "magical thing". Go ahead. It's your journey.
I promise you, if you create that boundary, the "sales" person will dismiss you, drop you like a hot potato, gaslight your need for reflections, and genuinely reveal their true intentions.
Some of these makers probably genuinely believe in their product, I get that. Many times, those people have NOT done their OWN healing work. They are coming from a place of fear and trauma, and themselves trying to find the "quick fix". It's ok. I give them all grace and compassion, but damned if I will be silent while they share that fear and spread those fear-based paradigms I have spent my life untangling and healing.
Back to our story with Jannie. Her husband was horrified, she felt later, she may have been conned. She did admit that every time she goes to Sedona, Seattle, New York, (pick a place) she seems to find herself talking to another person with a thing or supplement or food product to sell.
Don't be Jannie.