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  • Ankharet Verch Meredudd

Good Eating & Healthy Choices are not "easy"

I participated in an experiment: (of my own devising)


I ate really clean for 10 days straight. No Sugar, corn, wheat (I don't normally anyway), and other allergens on my list.


My Oura ring was off and on between 72 and 82 for sleep efficiency before the hard-line experiment.


After 4 days of clean eating, I went to 90% sleep efficiency.


After 10 days I was at 98% sleep efficiency with 95% resting heart rate readiness.


Then Friday, May 12th, I had a McKenzie River gluten-free pizza, which has corn, and a slice of flourless cake, and some steamed and ranch drizzled Brussel sprouts. The flourless cake was imbibed as a few bites Friday night and a few Saturday afternoon.

The reason for the treat meal was a "feel good" celebration for my husband and myself, and food is his love language. So any kind of celebration, he wants to eat a treat of some kind. I cannot eat out in many places, so I thought I would try a place that I can sometimes get away with.


My sleep scores plummeted.

Sleep Score Friday and Saturday night were 70 and 72 respectively. My Sleep efficiency was 72 and 76 respectively.


I did this experiment to prove to myself and to others a few things.


#1 Allergens do affect your body.

Even if you don't "feel bad"

(i.e allergic reaction needing Benadryl etc. ).

#2. Sugar affects everything.


I did not "feel" bad Saturday, but today is Sunday and I am really feeling the impact on my sleep today. It matters.


Today I go back to clean eating.


Bonding with my partner over food is not enough of a reason for me to feel awful for days afterward. Food as a love language is not wrong, but eating out and sacrificing your health for others is not a good idea. As a society, we need to have these discussions and find other ways to hang out and bond.


Don't get me wrong, my husband does not pressure me to eat poorly, or sacrifice my health for his need to bond over food. He is very supportive and encouraging for me to make good, healthy choices for me. It is just difficult for him, because food is his love language, and he loves to eat, and his favorite and most hazardous addiction is sugar.


In my own recent journey of joining a community, and connecting out into the world again, I have eaten out more since January than I have in the last 4 years (even before Covid) I am stopping right now.


Back to meal prep. and staying away from things that affect my health. (I have. also gained 10 lbs, so that shit stops now!)


It is not just me that has this issue. I know lots of friends and people who use food as comfort, bonding, social connection, or an emotional coping mechanism.


This is not an accusation or a blame game, this is reality. We do it to and for each other, pressures to fit in. It's ok. I get it.


When I stopped drinking alcohol (more than 10 years ago no), over the first two years, occasionally I would "cheat" and have a drink or two and felt awful. I had to have a real, very real, awakening; before setting a firm line that I have not crossed since. We all have to come to that within ourselves. I LIKED a social drink every once in awhile. I liked a good "White Russian", they were my favorite. But alcohol is poison, and for me to live my life, doing as I need to and the work, I cannot drink poison, even socially.


I am a certified Health Coach/Life Coach. I forget that I too need to model good habits, and I have people I deeply care about that need that modeling and support. I can do it, have done it, and will continue to do it.


So back on the wagon of success, health, and moving away from social ideas of what is normal or acceptable.


What is right, is not always popular.

I am not in a popularity contest.

I am here to LIVE, LOVE, spread joy, and teach.


Teaching from an example is always the best!


Blessings my friends. Blessings.

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